Google・台湾ファクトチェックセンターとRay's Blogワークショップを台北で開催

台湾にてRay's Blogのワークショップを開催します

April 22, 2024

Taipei, Taiwan — In an innovative collaboration, Classroom Adventure, in partnership with Taiwan Factcheck Center and Google, is set to host a transformative workshop on May 18th in Taipei. This event, entitled "Navigating Media Literacy - Japan-Taiwan Media Literacy Exchange Workshop," aims to enhance search skills and fact-checking techniques vital in the age of AI, through the interactive and engaging medium of game-based learning.

Morning Session: Interactive Learning with Classroom Adventure

The morning session will feature Classroom Adventure's founders, Noa Horiguchi, Zentaro Imai, and Hinata Furukata, whose creation is rooted in their award-winning performance at the 2022 Young Fact Checker Challenge. Their game, which integrates puzzle-solving with educational content, has been celebrated for its ability to inspire proactive learning across various age groups.

Afternoon Session: Hands-On Fact-Checking Skills

Following this, the afternoon session will be led by Taiwan Factcheck Center's Editor-in-Chief, 陳偉婷, focusing on hands-on activities that underscore the importance of discerning misinformation in today's digital age. The workshop will utilize digital tools like reverse image search and geolocation to debunk internet rumors effectively.

Featured Dialogue: Cross-National Media Literacy Efforts

Highlighting the day will be a dynamic conversation between Classroom Adventure's CEO, 陳偉廷, and the International Affairs Director of Taiwan Factcheck Center, Hui-An Ho. They will discuss the significance of cross-national collaborations in media literacy and the unique opportunities these offer to young individuals and educators alike.

Event Details and Registration

The workshop is scheduled to take place at the IEAT Meeting Center in Taipei, with sessions tailored specifically for social professionals, educators in the morning, and students in the afternoon. Admission is free, emphasizing the importance of full participation due to the valuable resources involved.

This event not only signifies a critical step in combating misinformation but also enhances Taiwan's role as a hub for educational innovation in media literacy across the Asia-Pacific region. Interested participants are encouraged to register quickly as space is limited.

For more information and to register, please visit Registration Link.

Classroom Adventure continues to lead the way in innovative educational experiences, aiming to expand its reach and impact globally. Stay tuned for more engaging and educational initiatives from Classroom Adventure.

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